Waist Beads are a traditional African accessory that consist of small glass beads on a string or wire worn around the waist or hips. In African tradition waist beads are ment to be worn under clothing...they're for you.....Its personal!
In Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, and other West African countries waist beads are a symbol of femininity, fertility, sensuality, and spirituality the beads can also signify wealth and aristocracy The size of beads and the colors all have meaning......its a visual dilect when babies are born they are given a set of waist beads both boys & girls to track growth and gender as the prince grows older he no longer wears beads but the princess will recieve a new pair with each milestone of her life until she is Queen
There are MANY reasons for wanting waist beads some see them as conveyors of healing vibes and positive energy others just wanna be cute also people use them as a tool in their weight-loss journey its cretainly a form of personal expression and individual interpretation
Waist beads are typically worn AT ALL TIMES- even while bathing and sleeping