$3.00 - $20.00
Love Jerusha *100% Handcrafted African Waist Beads*

I 100% handcraft EVERY set of waist beads that I sell!!!!
therefore the prices here too will vary.
Waist Beads are worn for many reasons! some wear them to feel more womanly and some wear them to feel more rooted to our culture. Others wear them as a weight loss tool. The list goes on & on!
THE TRUE QUESTION IS.......Whats your reason?
Let Me Be Your Bead Lady!!!
*Give 2-3 suggestions of your desired color {custom only}
*I will need your measurements {Email}
*Waist beads are meant to be tied on if for any reason you need to remove them they will need to be cut off. {Unless you purchase a $3 barrel closer OR thee Elastic string}